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The most convenient way to order tuckshop is via the flexischool website for ALL grades.

Alternatively lunches can be ordered using a "paper bag" system - where orders are written on the outside with the name and class of the child and the appropriate money within.

Students in Prep, Year 1,2 and 3 students cannot order directly from the Tuckshop.  Parents MUST order all items - Food, drinks & LOLLIES via flexischools or the "paper bag" system.  

For all other Years (4-6) the tuckshop is open at lunch time only for items which do not require pre-ordering.

The healthy food tuckshop is open daily and provides a wide variety of good foods.

It is operated by the P&F through a paid convenor and is staffed by volunteer parents and friends.

The primary purpose of the tuckshop is to provide a service to the children and, therefore, to their parents/carers.

Parents are encouraged to be on a roster, to help preparation of lunches and to serve at lunch time.

Birthday Tuckshop

The Tuckshop can make your little one's day extra special with a Birthday Special Lunch Order.

Lunch consists of - Sandwich - Ham, chicken or vegemite, Fruit - Apple or Orange, Treat - Muffin or Chips, Drink - Popper and a Birthday Certificate.

All for the Special price of $7.00.

Orders can be placed on Flexischools system.